Monday, December 7, 2009


...i feel so trappped...

Sunday, November 1, 2009


I'm too shy to say

I got a crush on you

I hope you feel the way that i do

I get a rush

When I'm with you

I wish i could tell somebody

But there's no one to talk to,

nobody knows I've got a crush on you ....

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Periuk oh Periuk

Hehehehe..merepek jer post ni but just want to do it..neways me n aizan bought periuk nasi at udupi cost 900 rupee..sbb nak masak2..Aizan laa lebih skit kot..suka try experiment dier..ada yg over salty..hahhaa..kitaorng yg lain redha mkn n bersyukur ngan apa yg ada..jgn mara..some of her experiment jd n sedp..dia dh ready utk kawin dah kalo saper2 nk masuk line..cehhh
At our room aizan is like the mother..suka tlg masakkan utk anak2...periuk ni share gak ngan naimah n rin..huhuh..Time masak mak garang sll mengarah anak2 dier potong bawang wat nih basuh nih..huhu..biasalaa tuh the end perut kenyang..alhamdulillah..pagi2 mesti ada breakfast...best2..wat rotilaa..cekodok pisanglaa..huhu..We all dah wat bejet perbelanjaan..murah sgt2 laa kalo masak so leh save byk duit dr mkn many recipe we did..naimah aritu ada wat ayam masak madu..sdpppp!huhuhu
Periuk nasi ku... :)
macorroni with pasta sauce sara wat..sedap..hehehe

ni kek batik me, rin n aizan wat for our frend birthday aritu..

aizan nyer experiemnt..kentang roll..ada curry sume..time nih satu bilik bau curry..kuat sgt..dtg kelas S.E tego..Sarah tukar perfume ker??huhuhu..down bau curry..

Banyak lagi recipe nk try..cume nk cari barang2 sini susah skit..ada yg x halal..huhuh

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

At this moment...

Olla..hehhe..just nak update blog..bout india again..hehhee..belajar so far sgt..lecturer sgt2 cool n best..hehhee..i enjoy kdg2 ngantuk skit..but xderlaa sampai tertido..the lab n pratical sume fun2..boleh dpt tau i bllood B+...kalo sara ada paper ker incident ,derma2lah darah jenis tuh..huhuh.. sara ada gambar ngan x elok kalo letak pic time disection...but now mcm lg stressfull..kena soal byk..hehhee..
study2...24 jam study..mata getting tired n fatique..kdg2 nk tido tuh dok fikir muscles origin n insertion n nerve supply n action..serius..dlm mimpi satu back muscle disebut ulang2..creepy huh??huhuhu....dats my life right not..kdg2 tuh mcm xder masa nk fikir benda lain..

Buku2 byk...sume penting n sume berguna...soo many things to learn but sumhow..i enjoy it..dh kata nk jadi doc..sume dh espect....

hari hujan time awl2 dtg..sejuk jer.,,dis is the closeness of cold yg kita kat india akan dpt...hujan jerrr..sambil2 jalan bw payung everywhere...x nk stop dr pg ke pttg..uhuhu

dalam keaddan hostel time hujan..payung display..beli2....mcm2 warna ada..huhuhu...

This is called alu parataha..mcm roti canai skit..sedplaa gakk..puas ati mkn here is awesome..

Grape juice in iceland..sedaplaa mcm sgt manis...huhu.overall the drinks here r not bad.,.makin gemuklaa sara..mknn n air..tension2...nk kurus..huhu...xpert2..jalan dr hostel ker lecture hall sgt its a good excercise..

all time favv nescafe in india....BARISTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Temmpat ni is called end point..bets sgt..besar luas tanah field n the sunset is awesome..i go there bile rasa nk amik angin n jog n just lepak2..jauh gak tmpt dier tp bestt..the view is great,..

Monday, September 28, 2009

Guy Friends

Me n my friends in Malpey Beach - India

When it comes to the question of whether or not guys and girls can be just friends there is no universal truth.Whether or not a guy and a girl can be just friends depends on how the friendship started, on whether or not there is a physical attraction involved, and on the personalities of the individuals... Lelaki,jejaka, teruna, wateva the nickname the meaning is always the same. Ada antara mereka sesuai dijadikan kawan.i called them sahabat. Apabila kita bercakap tentang teman lelaki kita kepada mereka, mereka akan mendengar dan memberi komen. cehhhh..
Guy frens just tetap kwn biasa jer..memiliki lelaki sebagai sahabat baik kerana mereka mempunyai perspektif yang berbeza dalam apa jua perkara. Bukanlah kawan perempuan itu tidak ‘cool’- dont get confuse. Cuma lelaki selalunya rasional dan melihat sesuatu daripada sudut yang berbeza. Bagus kan kalau kita dapat lihat sesuatu dari kedua-dua arah, besides, u can ask guys about guys..who knows men better then themself..huhuhu..

Now boyfriends..teman sejati... Ciri-ciri seorang teman lelaki. how do i know? i always believe in women instinct.. kata hati wanita.!trust it then u know if he is da rite one or not.. Ini adalah lelaki yang akan membuatkan anda sanggup melakukan apa sahaja. Dia akan membuatkan anda rasa istimewa kerana wujudnya hubungan yang tidak mampu dijelaskan antara anda dan dia. Itulah cinta.

this is just my opinion antara kawan lelaki dan teman lelaki.ada orng kata mmg x boleh lelaki n perempuan jadi kwn baik..ada yg kata boleh jer..itu pendapat sure sume ada pendirian sendiri dan tau perasaan sendiri..

So x salah kalo nak ada kawan lelaki..cuma kena laa tahu batas2 kita sebagai seorng islam..,..

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Raya d Perantaun

First time raya in India away from my family..soo sad..but theres nuthing i can do..besides im not the only one yg raya away from soon as dgr takbir raya cam sedih..remember this time during at home i am helping my mum wat rendang n sume for raya...i know they miss me too..terharu dgr biler my sis moon ckp they didnt take any family pic coz it was incomplete if im not around..cehhh..hahhaa..soo sweet...
My beloved daddy n mummy
Masturah & Sis moon
I did a raya video for my family sblm fly..hehhe..kept it a secret for a while sampailaa raya..daddy find out then it to my mum n she cried..hehhee..comel..Anyways raya in india is not soo bad..quite fun actually..the journey says it all..could not describe it..

Raya 2009

On be halve of all the students in india..selamat hari raya!

weeeeeeeeeeeee :)

Friday, September 18, 2009

INDIA = part 3 senior welcoming


INDIA = part 2 manipal campus

The library and the office..

food court

disection Hall-anatomy

Lecture Hall..3rd floor 3C room


First Day in INDIA...long story actually but here it goes..

09/09/09 our flight ticket to bangalore naik MAs airlines..when smoothly..

Arrived in Bangalore at night..we were accomadate at a hotel..nobody was there to welcome the MARA students so we just follow adalaa orng yg tunjuk2..naik bas..mlm2 dgnn road yg x stable gi kat hulu mana ntah...the wind was breezy..sgt2 sejuk kat sgt..hehehe..

Dlm 20minutes we arrived at our hotel..we have to pay 1800 indian rupees to stay..mahal gaklaa..bdk laki ada yg protes x nk dok sbb transit 4 jam jer...x along with 3 other frens stay in 1 room..bestlaa jugak..bsr..hehhee

bedroom & living room

In the morning then aada flight nk gi mangalore lak naik jet airways..malangnya flight cancel tetiba..sume mcm terkejut knp tiba2..we all thought orng india ni nk tipu kitaorng..tgk2 kat berita mmg ada mogok pilot india so byk flight cancel..dh down giler time tuh...seb baik ada flight ptg pulak..sampai2 petang..flight delay..lg terkandas..dlm 2 jam kol delay..sedihh sgt2...dhlaa xder sape nk jg kitaorng..

This is in bangalore..mcm kat kkpg...sejuk jerr..sbb atas bukit...

MARA students...

in the end..kitaorng sampai gak Manipal campus...

Monday, August 31, 2009

The climb...

"Life is a climb but the view is great"

i got dat thru hannah montana the muvi..hehehhehe..its true..once u r on top u feel great bout it..mcm buat IB..susah3 tp in the end sume dah melepasi and get good result n akan fly...tgk pasal berita bout IB students top in the world for KMS n KMB....we all didnt aspect dat to happen but sume boleh jerr..InsyaAllah with the effort put in we will get it...

For medic students...yeah i've heard its tough learning it but nothing is imposible..just fikir orng lain boleh je wat knp kita x boleh,..its all in the mind..Lets go through it together Medics students..i'm sure we all want to see the ke xbest yg penting..we have have to climb first..reach for stars...weeeeeeeee...!!! semoga berjaya...

Sunday, August 23, 2009


First of Ramadhan...
My door room: knock knock knock..
Mummy: sarahh..wake up..sahurrr..
half n hour later...
My door room: knock knock knock..(louder)
Sis Mun: oiii bgn laa..sahur..dh pukul brp!!!
Sarah: (terkejut giler..bgn terus kuar gi dapur...)oke2 im coming..dh bgn dh td..

dats my story 1st day sahur...huhu..nilaa sbb tido lamabt..sbb apa??gayut..dgn saper??adalaaa..heheehe..neways after sahur solat sume then tido alik..dlm kol brp ntah bgn sbb daddy wake me up saying dat he wants to go to melaka..y??coz he wants to know the way to melaka manipal college for my orientation coming up on the 5sept..Fuhh semngt daddy i..hehhee..sweet..lgpun he got his new toy n wanted to test dad also love tech stuff..i tell u his gps dh brp byk kali begging him to give me one n put indian map on it so dat bile jalan leh dats gonna my house my dad call me a low tech daugther..i dont mind,,watev..=p

Anyway jalan2 melaka guna daddy's gps..then we arrived at our destination..thought of going inside the college but mls basically tgk then blaa..

After a while i kind of have to go to the loo so my dad stop at my kazens house..pray n lepak for a kazen is newlywed and she tells us stoories of life after marridge..mcm best je..x sbr pulak..but i know i have a long time to go..hehhee...Time passes so my kazen2 sume ckp y not buka puasa kat kpg..sume agree so we did..from melaka bandar off we went to my kpg in melaka also at masjid tanah...before stopping we went to bazzaar ramadhan kat pekan..beli skit2 jer since they were so many 1st day it was fun..hehhee..byk asap my daddy n me cant take it so we headed of early..

Azan magrib then berkumandang..baca doa n off we eat..big feast..byk lauk gak sampai x tau nk makn serius mkn ramai2 first puasa berbuka with all my kazen..sob2.. gona miss them soo much..wat a was worth it..but in the end..who have to wash all the dishes so not fair...:( huhuhuhu..

Thursday, August 20, 2009


i've been stuck at home not going anywhere..y??becoz of H1N1..

Sarah= daddy let go out and eat dinner?

Daddy= y?mum can cook for u..y go exposing yourself to the viruses outside..

Huhuhu..dats usually about the same answer i will get if ask my daddy to go out..dats y i go shopping with my mum in the morning whenever hes at work..i dont not really da outdoor kind of person..i just love to sit at home n spend time with my love one..after all i only have a few weeks left...i just cant believe dat august is finally over and welcome september..heheh..the month where all the students r bound to fly to manipal..mayb there r a few people who never fly oversea before so it must b excited to see their faces at the airport..hehehe...

so far my preparation hmm okelaa..bought a few mum ask me to study cooking from her but then if i live in a hostel where am i gonna cook??hhuuu..but i knw a few lauk if nk masak ke apa nanti..

What do i do at home...?

well i spend half the day in front of my laptop..fb..u tube n listening to music n watch new hobby is wriitting fictional far i done 4 stories..all love..jeez jiwang giler..its fun to fantasize..hehehe..hmmm i'm gonna miss everything in malaysia..

x sabar nk gi 5 sept nih..just wana know wat iz it all about gi orientation manipal..hope its interesting..Aizan will be staying at my house since her parent cannot make it..i offer her my place coz i know she was shy to ask me...ehehehe..hmmmmm..

k laa dh nagntk..i dunno wat else to say..

Monday, August 17, 2009

H1N1 scare


Da pendamic is really getting worse...Many were dead due to this diseases n virus infection all over the world..

Take care of your health..




Sunday, August 16, 2009

Preparation =)

Now left with a few weeks to go till da day i fly...da day i fly???hehehee..Neways i bought 2 is big n the other is small...bsr tu bsr gak tp belasah je laa bawak..brg skit2 dh beli tp pack last2 minute br best...hehehhe..tu pun i dont tink it can fit all my stuff...damm laa..byk sgt brg nk bw...
Thank goodness sume dh settle tunggu pre departure dr MARA je shopping sgt best...jus tinggal a few things yg x beli lg..i did a check list well actually my mum yg wat kan..semangat...but comeii...hehhee..check list of all da items n things to buy n bring so dat i dont forget...byk dh cross out dah...seronok...huhuhuhu
AS students n Biotech students dah ada yg fly time will come and so will my other india frens..India frens????hehehhehe..cant wait...minggu depan dh nk pose...this will be my first time raya far away from my parents n family...sedih yet stiill im sure i will have new experience raya at another country with my frens...hehhee

Friday, August 14, 2009

Bad Week

Wat a stressfull week..i can almost faint..soo chaotic and so all started on thursday(dunno da date)..i went to MARA hq to get the offer letter with my mum,massy and naimah..okelaa i got the form to fill it in sume..alik rumah..terus isi sbb nanti nk minta pegesahan nk bg my daddy buat at his office..kena rushing since he has to go outstation to Euthopia for 1 week next week...daddy alik dr office tgk2 benda tu xder chop..soo terpksa tunggu seminggu..kinda my fault sbb x bgtau..but i thought my dad tlg laa sekali bc tgk..huhuu..

Daddy pegi on Monday tuh i went to do my visa with my parents..Kat sana jumpalaa Ghazi..he came first but lmbt gi counter then i got it first..muahahhahaa..okelaa time wat visa ermm it is not dat complicated...then gi putrajaya lak...tunggu punya laa gila..lama sgt..nk dpt letter of good conduct...merepek jerr punya lama...tension sgt...sian kat my parents pun tunggu lm gak..tmpt tuh dh laa panas aircon rosak...layann counter pun mcm apa jer...nk lyn orng senyum laa sikit..bengang gak laa kat 1 lady tuh..

dat 1 week while my daddy is away me n my mum fill in the borang tulis apa yg patut..then we went to Celcom building utk mintak hal2 for penjamin 2..nk gi sn dh laa jam n parking pun terpksa laa gak..penat giler time tuh..

then on friday (xingt lg tarikh) gi wat medical check up at my family doctor..amik darah belah kiri cocok xdpt..then amik kanan br dpt...doc ckp byk lemak susah amik india kena kurus laa sarah oi...hihihihii...then kena gi hops swasta wat xray jer..tunggu punyalaa lama..masuk2 tgk yg jg radiologist young guy doc..malu giler ngan dier..paham2 je laa kalo nk wat xray he's a ddoc..xper kot...sgt2 malu..

then dat selasa tu br dpt result..sume ok...darah urine sume normal..Yahooo!.. medical check up complete..daddy br alik..cpt mintak bw gi office benda2 lain..rabu tuh gi persuruhan jaya sumpah mintak chop..then nk matikan stem....khamis 14 mara..terserempak ngan madee ngan ayah dier...huhuhu...antar2 borang tgk2 sign for saksi xnk berkanun nk berkerajaan...DOWN GILER!!!...terpaksa wat baru...ishhhh..stress2...

Jummat tuh pg2 pergi sek meng tmn melawati..yg i xsk gile2..i hate my highschool life..xtau the teacher n frens..but ntahh,...wat muka terpksa gi sek mintak chop guru guru bsr busy tunggu punya tunggu dpt satu old addmath teacher..tlg chop kan..legaa..

Lepas tu jugak gi MARA hq hantar borang..nk cpt selesaikan jugak..hantar2 alhamdulillah sume beres..selesai..finish...hehehe...happi sgt time n my mum terus gi shopping jalan2 sempat beli brg2 skit...all this while i would like to say thank you to my mum..she has been through thick n thin through out dis week helping me settle all dis...jd driver bw sini sana..sian mama her to death...huhuuhu...

So now i guess tunggu orng MARA call utk predepature..hehehhe....

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Anatara 9 SITI yg patut dicontohi :

1) Siti Khadijah
- Beliau merupakan isteri Rasulullah s.a.w yg melahirkan anak2 Rasulullah, setia dan menyokong Rasulullah walaupun ditentang hebat oleh org2 kafir dan musyrik, menghantarkan makanan kpd Baginda ketika Baginda beribadat di Gua Hira'.

2) Siti Fatimah
- Anak Rasulullah yg tinggi budi pekertinya. Sangat kasih dan setia kpd suaminya Ali karamallahu wajhah walaupun Ali miskin. Tidur berkongsikan 1 bantal dan kdg2 berbantalkan lengan Ali. Rasulullah pernah b'kata aku takkan maafkan kamu wahai Fatimah sehinggalah Ali maafkan kamu.

3) Siti A'ishah
- Beliau isteri Rasulullah yg paling romantik. Sanggup berkongsi bekas makanan dan minuman dgn Rasulullah. Di mana Nabi s.a.w minum di situ beliau akan minum menggunakan bekas yg sama.

4) Siti Hajar
- Isteri Nabi Ibrahim yg patuh kpd suami dan suruhan Allah. Sanggup ditinggalkan oleh Nabi Ibrahim atas suruhan Allah demi kebaikan. Berjuang mencari air utk anaknya Nabi Ismail (Pengorbanan seorg ibu mithali).

5) Siti Mariam
- Wanita suci yg mmg pandai menjaga kehormatan diri dan mempunyai maruah yg tinggi sehingga rahimnya dipilih oh Allah s.w.t utk mengandungkan Nabi Isa.

6) Siti Asiah
- Isteri Firaun yg tinggi imannya dan tidak gentar dgn ujian yg dihadapinya drpd Firaun Laknatullah.

7) Siti Aminah
- Wanita mulia yg menjadi ibu kandung Rasullullah. Mendidik baginda menjadi insan mulia.

8) Siti Muti'ah
- Isteri yg patut dicontohi dan dijanjikan Allah syurga untuknya kerana setianya kpd suami, menjaga makan minum, menyediakan tongkat utk dipukul oleh suaminya sekiranya layanannya tidak memuaskan hati, berhias dgn cantik utk tatapan suaminya sahaja.

9 ) Siti Zubaidah
- Wanita kaya dermawan yg menjadi isteri Khalifah Harun Al-Rashid. Sanggup membelanjakan semua hartanya utk membina terusan utk kegunaan org ramai hanya niat kerana Allah s.w.t.

10 ) Siti Maisarah
- hehehehe...???
betapa hebatnya mereka sehinggakan xdpt ditandingi perngorbnan yg telah mereka lakukan...

Sunday, August 9, 2009


It may be soo soon to tell but i'm hoping..still hoping..rite now da heart is closed..lock...but one day it will be ready to be open...insyaAllah..dgn izin Tuhan...Jodoh x ke mana..i have to focus on my studies and career first..hehehehe

Memories..i will cherish it...