Friday, October 16, 2009

At this moment...

Olla..hehhe..just nak update blog..bout india again..hehhee..belajar so far sgt..lecturer sgt2 cool n best..hehhee..i enjoy kdg2 ngantuk skit..but xderlaa sampai tertido..the lab n pratical sume fun2..boleh dpt tau i bllood B+...kalo sara ada paper ker incident ,derma2lah darah jenis tuh..huhuh.. sara ada gambar ngan x elok kalo letak pic time disection...but now mcm lg stressfull..kena soal byk..hehhee..
study2...24 jam study..mata getting tired n fatique..kdg2 nk tido tuh dok fikir muscles origin n insertion n nerve supply n action..serius..dlm mimpi satu back muscle disebut ulang2..creepy huh??huhuhu....dats my life right not..kdg2 tuh mcm xder masa nk fikir benda lain..

Buku2 byk...sume penting n sume berguna...soo many things to learn but sumhow..i enjoy it..dh kata nk jadi doc..sume dh espect....

hari hujan time awl2 dtg..sejuk jer.,,dis is the closeness of cold yg kita kat india akan dpt...hujan jerrr..sambil2 jalan bw payung everywhere...x nk stop dr pg ke pttg..uhuhu

dalam keaddan hostel time hujan..payung display..beli2....mcm2 warna ada..huhuhu...

This is called alu parataha..mcm roti canai skit..sedplaa gakk..puas ati mkn here is awesome..

Grape juice in iceland..sedaplaa mcm sgt manis...huhu.overall the drinks here r not bad.,.makin gemuklaa sara..mknn n air..tension2...nk kurus..huhu...xpert2..jalan dr hostel ker lecture hall sgt its a good excercise..

all time favv nescafe in india....BARISTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Temmpat ni is called end point..bets sgt..besar luas tanah field n the sunset is awesome..i go there bile rasa nk amik angin n jog n just lepak2..jauh gak tmpt dier tp bestt..the view is great,..


  1. knp x leh letak gambar mayat?

  2. em, klu kita x suka org wat kat kita, kita jgn wat kat org len. suka tak klu satu hari nnti de org tngkap gambar smbil senyum sebelah mayat adik bradik kita, mak kita or any members of family lpastu publish. klu suka, fine je. nanti org wat kat kte lak.

    juz a sign of respect wlaupun lain agama. ha tu je la penerangan simple. =)

  3. yeayy...wat faiz said...dh dijawb..thanx..huhuhu
